“I Am An American”
This is a poem I wrote in 2017 or so, after doing a reading with Tina Cane, the Poet Laureate of Rhode Island. We had books of poetry come out at around the same time. We read at the NYU bookstore, which is a few blocks from where she and I went to school together: PS41. Public School 41 is also known as the Greenwich Village School. My New School University office is a stone’s throw from PS41. The poem is a generational ode, about city kids growing up together. During the recent protests (June, 2020), I found myself thinking about the poem, which queries subjects we’re struggling with today. I had the notion for this video, then worked obsessively, finishing in three or four days.

- Poem originally published in Shuf Poetry
- Forthcoming in the Poetry is Bread Anthology
-2022 Red Dragon Creative Awards, Best Experimental Short
-2021 Salt House Creative International Film Festival, Best Short Film
-2020 Luis Bunuel Memorial Awards, Best Short Film
-2021 Model N Movie International Short Film Festival
-2020 New York Movie Awards
-2020 Florence Film Awards
-2021 New Haven International Film Festival
-2021 SPLICE Film Fest
-2021 Chambal International Film Festival – Season 8
-2021 Bridge Fest
-2021 Scorpiusfest
-2021 Voices Rising Film Festival
-2021 Indapuram International Short Film Festival
-2020 Cannes Continental Film Festival
-2020 Open Window International Film Challenge
-2020 Thinking Hat Fiction Challenge
-2020 Dili International Film Festival
-2020 Screaming Ostrich International Film Festival
-2020 International Narrative Short Film Festival (Festival international de courts-métrages d’auteurs)
-2020 International Sound & Film Music Festival (ISFMF)