The Good Men Project
My Last Fight
… The cabbie would have driven away, but when I got out, I left the door to my side of the taxi open. He had to get out of his side of the car, walk around, and close the door, which he did. More heated words, and he came at me. I know when someone is coming at me with bad intentions, so I tapped him on the chin.
There’d been snow, and he went flying into a snow bank. Kelly marched off, and I followed, explaining that the guy had come at me. She informed me that the man had been weeping before he got out of the cab. …
This is Not a Toy
… She was almost a teen, and I was on the cusp of too old for a babysitter—a sophisticated nine. She went to public school, but was studious, upright, arriving with an armful of books. She didn’t wear a backpack, she carried her books in a pile, bound in a strap. We sat on the couch and talked. She and her friends were beginning to have parties—so-and-so liked so-and-so and she liked so-and-so and at such-and-such party so-and-so and so-and-so made out. She practiced kissing on me; I was cooperative. …